2025 Accuracy International
Long Range Classic
April 5-6 2025
ALTUS Shooting Solutions
8300 Mashourn Forks Rd
Baker, FL 32531
The 2025 Accuracy International Long Range Classic is a two-day precision rifle competition that will take place at ALTUS Shooting Solutions April 5-6th 2025.
Cash payouts: This year’s match has a $20,000 cash payout.
1st place $5,000
2nd place $3,000
3rd place $2,000
4th place $1,750
5th place $1,500
6th place $1,250
7th place $1,000
8th place $750
9th place $500
10th place $450
$2800 in random cash drawings
Match Director Jim Gilliland
16 Stages
***The round count for the match is 180 plus any additional for zero etc.
*** Each day lunch will be brought out to each of the shooters and ROs.
Registration: Registration will open Friday January 3, 2025, at 11AM CST. Shooters will register at www.altusshooting.com and remember to also register and squad on PractiScore.
The registration fee is $385.00. Registration will be limited to the first 130 shooters so do not delay!
***$20,000 CASH PAYOUT! to the top 10 shooters and 8 randomly drawn shooters
*** 16 Stage prizes
General Match Information
Rules: The 2025 AI LRC is an outlaw match but will use the 2024 Precision Rifle Series rule book for scoring. However, the match director may add, remove, and or amend the rules for specific stages. All changes made to the rulebook will be clearly communicated in detail during the pre-match briefing. I.E. There will be a KYL rack and there will not be any PRS skills stages during the match.
Divisions: There will be no divisions for this competition.
Qualification for Cash: To qualify for cash prizes, we ask that you are present Sunday at the closing ceremony provided no unforeseen circumstances arise. Please note, if you are “in the money for $600 or more” you will be required to fill out a W9 for tax purposes prior to receiving your cash prize.
Qualification for Stage Prizes: To qualify for cash prizes, we ask that you are present Sunday at the closing ceremony provided no unforeseen circumstances arise. This year we are featuring 16 premier stage prizes generously donated from our industry partners. At the end of day 2, the match director will review the stage scores to determine the winners. Beginning on stage 1 following a numerical order, the winner of each stage will be determined at awarded their stage prize. In the event of a tie for points at a stage, the tiebreaker will then be determined by the shooter with the fastest time at the stage. Any shooter disqualified from the match is also disqualified from any stage prizes.
Stage Prize Stipulations: “The fine print”
A shooter may only win 1 stage prize. In the event of a shooter winning multiple stages, the shooter will be awarded the stage prize for the stage they won in numerical order. The remaining stage prizes will then be awarded to the next best shooter at that stage and so on. For this reason, stage prizes will be assigned by highest retail dollar retail value to each stage. I.E. Stage 1 will have the highest retail dollar value Stage 16 lowest retail dollar value.
Example 1
Shooter X wins stage 5 and stage 14
Shooter X will take home the prize for stage 5 and the stage prize for stage 14 will go to the shooter with the next best score.
Example 2
Shooter X and Shooter Y both shot a great match.
Shooter X wins stage 2 and stage 4. Shooter Y finishes 2nd on stage 4 but won stages 6 and stage 7. Shooter X will win the stage prize for stage 2. Since they are no longer eligible for stage 4 and Shooter Y finished second, Shooter Y would then take home the stage prize for stage 4 and the prize for stage 6 and 7 would go to the shooter with the next best score.
Match Itinerary
April 4th, 2025, Friday: Accuracy International Long Range Classic Open Train Up Day
11:00AM to 2:30PM The range will be open to all who registered for the train up day,
11:00 AM Shooters will be able to sign in, zero, train on portions of the range, and pick up your match book & t-shirts only as you leave.
2:30PM The facility will be closed and cleared until 7:00 AM Saturday morning.
April 5th, 2025, Saturday: Accuracy International Long Range Classic Day 1
7:00AM Zero Range will open.
7:30AM We will gather under the pavilion for the safety briefing.
8:00AM Rounds down range.
12:30PM Lunch is being catered by Pounders Hawaiian Grill featuring the signature chicken, steak, rice, and leafy greens.
****Before days end, everyone will be briefed on instructions for the start of Day Two.
April 6th, 2025, Sunday: Accuracy International Long Range Classic Day 2
8:00AM Start at your designated stage.
12:30PM Lunch is being catered by Baker's District Deli.
TBA closing ceremony
2 Reviews
Absolute great time
This is a match I never miss. The people at Altus are like no other. The facility is amazing. And this particular match is just a blast. Plus now you have an opportunity to win big money or some awesome prizes. Speaking of prizes. Did you know they give away a AI every year to a random shooter/ro So either sign up as a shooter or volunteer to RO. Either way it’s a great time.
AI 2023
Just shot the AI 2023. Biggest match today for me and the funniest. Shot with some great people, great food and had fun. I zeroed the surprise house and came out pleased. Stages were great and well thought out. Thanks again Altus and AI.